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This gallery features wildlife photography of some of the many species of birds that call Canada home including songbirds, game birds, waterfowl and birds of prey.
1. Great Grey Owl2. Tundra Swans3. Male Common Redpoll4. Great Horned Owl in Window of Abandoned Barn5. Juvenile Northern Saw-Whet Owls6. Northern Saw-Whet Owl7. Black-Capped Chickadee8. Juvenile Burrowing Owls9. Great Horned Owl in Window of Abandoned Barn10. Male Ring-Necked Pheasants11. Blue Grouse (Male in Mating Display)12. Great Grey Owl13. Merriam's Wild Turkeys14. Great Horned Owl in Window of Abandoned Barn15. Male Snowy Owl in Flight16. Northern Saw-Whet Owl17. Juvenile Northern Saw-Whet Owl18. Great Horned Owl in Window of Abandoned Barn19. Swainson's Hawk Fledglings20. Juvenile Burrowing Owls in their Burrow

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Birds, Chickadee, Ducks, Eagles, Grouse, Hawks, Owls, Partridge, Pheasant, Robin, Songbirds, Sparrow, Swans, Turkey